Beaded Diamond Bracelet

Everyone loves a little arm candy, especially during the summer months. Stacking on the bracelets is a fun way to mix and match different elements, something I've always loved doing! This particular project is pretty simple and sweet; you can probably make a few within in an afternoon. It was inspired by a bracelet I spotted at Barneys NY. The original used metal beads, but was more or less made using the same technique. Mine costs me about $40 less, though!


- Thin waxed linen cord, or any other type of thin cord
- Jewelry clasp, at least 2 jump rings & 2 crimp beads
- Beads of your'll need exactly 16!
Just be sure that the holes are big enough to fit two strands of cord!
(I used beads that are known as "E" beads, from Michael's)
- Scissors & jewelry pliers (not shown)

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