Zip Jumper

I'm a big fan of 'the jumper' and I've had this one for quite some time now. The only problem with it is the bottom which is a bit too snug, rides up and gives me a look I remember from the shell suits of my childhood. Not very flattering... So to combat this problem I've come up with zips. Yes not the most original idea, but if it ain't broke and all that. I love the result and have already worn this jumper more in the past week than I have in months. Success! Here's how I did it:

1. Measure/buy your zips longer than the side seams of your jumper. If in doubt go longer. Always go     longer.

2. Unpick the side seams. This takes a while and is much easier if you have a quick unpick.

3. Fold in the seams you've just unpicked around 1cm and pin onto each side of the zip. Stretch the jumper     slightly to avoid wavy zips.

4. Sew it all up! (No nonsense here, just sew up one side, then over the top of the zip and back down)

5. Cut off the excess zip and threads.

6. Do the same to the other side.

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